Unofficial Yu-Gi-Oh Mary-Sue Litmus Test

We all know Mary Sue.  She's the new girl.  The beautiful one who gets away with things that the canon cast never could, with the perfect grades and the perfect sweetness.  She has a horrible home life - is abused, and is very poor - but somehow manages to come up out of this to become the best duelist ever, the main character's girlfriend, or the heroine of the day; saving the main characters who have inexplicably become unable to defend themselves.  Mary Sue is perfect, but she's a pest, a pain and most readers don't like her.  When she dies her heroic death and is mourned by the cast who has only known her for a few days the reader cheers for her removal.

Not every original character is a Mary Sue!  Mary Sue, however, is distressingly common in any fandom; and Yu-Gi-Oh! is full of tales of her exploits.  This is a test for authors who aren't sure if they are creating a character who is a Mary Sue or not.  Scoring is simple.  For each question you answer yes to [even if it's "yes, but..."] add the indicated number of points to your score.  Please, be honest!  Nothing can be gained by deciding that your character is the exception to the rule.  Please also go through the entire test before deciding your results are unacceptable.

Section 1: What's in a name?

1. Is the character named after you?  This includes your real name [first, middle, and last], and ANY online names you have.  If so, stop now.  No exceptions. 1
2. Have you spent more time searching for a name for your character than writing the first paragraph of the story? [1]
3. Does the character have a really cool name you wish you had? [1]
   3.1. Is it a name you would give to a pet or child? [1]
4. Does the character have a name that is a different/stylized spelling of an existing word? [1]
   4.1. Is the word cat? [1]
   4.2. Is it a word in another language? [1]
      4.2.1. A Japanese or Egyptian word? [2]
   4.3. That describes the character? [1]
      4.3.1. Flatteringly? [star, heart, flower, etc] [1]
      4.3.2. Unflatteringly? [dung heap, idiot, etc] [-1]
      4.3.3. That describes what they do? [hunter, dancer, etc] [1]
         Keep in mind that some Yuugiou characters have this type of name.  This question should be looked at as a question of what your character is called.  The cast refers to Insector Haga as "Haga."  If your character is called "Hunter" because her name is "Hunter Diana," then you get the point.
5. Although looking blatantly Western, does your character have a Japanese name? [2]
   5.1. That you made up? [1]
      5.1.1. By stringing Japanese-sounding syllables together? [2] Even if you don't know Japanese? [3]
6. Did your character choose his or her own name? [1]
   6.1. Because of something in the past that he or she didn't want to forget? [1]
7. Does your character have an unreasonably long name? [Luna Maria Dea Soulia Serena Venus Constantine Burrito] [1]

8. Is your character named Serenity? [1]
   8.1. Even if you're using dub names and there's already a Serenity? [1]
9. Is your character named after a Duel Monster? [1]
   9.1. Is it your favorite duel monster? [1]
10. Is you character named after a character who is dead? [1]
   10.1. Amane? [1]
   10.2. Cyndia/Cecilia? [1]
   10.3. Someone from Ancient Egypt? [2]
   10.4. Gozaburo? [-1]
   10.5. Kaiba and Mokuba's parents? [3]
   10.6. Malik and Isis' parents? [3]
   10.7. Is the character only dead for the purpose of your fanfic? [Yuugi, Jounouchi, Anzu, etc] [5]
11. Is the character's last name shared with an existing character? [1]
   11.1. For no good reason? [2]
   11.2. Because the characters are related? [3]
   11.3. Is the last name Kaiba? [1]
      11.3.1. Is the character related to Gozaburo? [-1]
      11.3.2. Is the character related to Seto and Mokuba, even though Kaiba isn't their original last name? [5]
      11.3.3. Is the character related to both Seto and Mokuba AND Gozaburo with no consideration that they don't share blood and with no explanation that the character is Seto and Mokuba's "adopted" relative? [10]
12. Is the character's name in the title of the story itself? [5]

Section 2: How you look

1. Does your character have really odd coloration? (hair, eyes, etc) [1]
   1.1. Odder than Yuugi? [1]
   1.2. Odder then first series Kaiba? [1]
   1.3. Odd enough that the cast can't help but stare for hours? [2]
      1.3.1.  Is this a point that draws the cast to your character? [3]
   1.4. Do you character's eyes change color? [1]
   1.5. Is your characters eye or hair color mentioned every sentence? [1]
      1.5.1. Is more time spent describing your character than in any actual action? [2]
2. Is your character unnaturally beautiful or handsome? [1]
   2.1. Is the word 'beautiful,' 'attractive,' 'stunning,' or similar in every reference to your character? [1]
   2.2. Is the word 'perfect' ever used in reference to your character? [1]
      2.2.1. Is it used in a negative way? [perfect idiot, ditz, etc] [-1]
   2.3. Is your character an unusual height? [1]
      2.3.1. Taller than Kaiba? [1]
      2.3.2. Shorter than Yuugi? [-1]
   2.5. Is your character well muscled/athletic? [1]
   2.6. Is she fat and/or ugly? [-1]
      2.6.1. Is she not fat and/or ugly by the end of the story? [2]
   2.7. Does your character have physical attributes that you would like to have? [1]
3. Is the character the same...
   3.1. Gender as you? [1]
   3.2. Race as you or have the same accent as you? [1]
4. Is the character a teenager/early twenties? [1]
   4.1. Is the character another age but looks like a teenager/early twenties? [2]
      4.1.1. Will the reason for this be a plot point later? [3]
5. Does your character bear strange resemblance to any of the canon characters? [1]
   5.1. Weevil/Haga? [-1]
   5.2. Is your character the female/male version of someone? [as in "looks like Kaiba only female"] [3]
6. Does your character dress like...
   6.1. Kaiba? [1]
   6.2. Mai? [1]
   6.3. Accessorize like Yuugi? [2]
7. Does your character not have to wear a uniform to Domino school? [1]
   7.1. Does your character get to wear a different 'special' uniform? [1]
   7.2. Is your character female and wearing a male uniform or vice versa? [2]
   7.2. Is your character's uniform altered to be more appealing? [2]
      7.2.1. Has she not gotten in trouble for it? [5]
8. Is your character a cat-person or possess angel wings, pointed ears, or any other appendage that should not be found on the average human being? [5]

Section 3: What you do

1. Is your character...
   1.1. More over dramatic then Pegasus? [1]
      1.1.1. A better artist than Pegasus? [1]
      1.1.2. Richer the Pegasus? [1]
   1.2. Smarter then Kaiba? [1]
      1.2.1. A better computer programmer than Kaiba? [2]
      1.2.2. Richer than Kaiba? [1]
   1.3. A more skilled thief than Yami no Bakura? [3]
   1.4. A better dancer than Anzu? [2]
   1.5. Able to drive circles around Honda? [1]
      1.5.1. Mai? [2]
      1.5.2. Malik? [3]
   1.6. Able to best Jounouchi in a physical fight? [3]
   1.7. Able to give a friendship speech to rival Anzu's? [1]
      1.7.1. A Heart of the Cards speech to rival Yami no Yuugi's? [2]
      1.7.2. And no one gets annoyed? [5]
   1.8. All of the above? [10]
2. Does your character often steal the spotlight from the regular cast? [1]
   2.1. Does your character solve the 'problem of the day' instantly? [2]
3. Is your character impossibly polite? [1]
   3.1. Can they "Never insult anyone?" [1]
   3.2. Is your character so amiable that they never complain about anything? [1]
4. Does your character have a beautiful, melodic voice? [1]
   4.1. Is it strangely exotic? [1]
   4.2. Or eerie? [1]
      4.2.1. Both? [3]
   4.3. Can your character sing incredibly, impossibly, well? [1]
      4.3.1. 20th Century North American pop-tunes? [2]
      4.3.2. X-Japan Ballad Collection Songs? [2]
5. Can your character play an instrument so well that it seems that it could coax tears from a rock? [2]
6. Does your character know a Martial Art? [1]
   6.1. Several Martial Arts? [2]
      6.1.1. And use them? [2] To save your favorite character? [3]
7. Is your character incredibly good with a sword? [1]
   7.1. Despite being a pacifist? [4]
8. Does your character get perfect grades? [1]
9. Is your character able to stare down/cow any bullies or evil gym teachers easily? [2]
10. Does the character have unnatural magic or superhuman powers? [1]
   10.1. Was she born with them? [2]
   10.2. Did she train for them? [-1]
      10.2.1. Did she go to Hogwarts to train them? [10 and wrong fandom]
   10.3. Is your character a shapeshifter? [3]
   10.4. Does s/he have unlimited super powers that can save the day? [2]
      10.4.1. Or destroy the Earth if s/he wanted to? [2]
      10.4.2. Do they "slowly inch closer to death" as they use their EERIE POWAHS? [3]
   10.5. Can your character fly? [2]
      10.5.1. With no wings? [3]
   10.6. Can your character read minds? [1]
      10.6.1. Without the aid of a millennium item? [3]
   10.7. Can heal other characters? [1]
11. Is your character not human? [2]
   11.1. An incarnation of a god? [2]
   11.2. The ‘human’ incarnation of the Shadow Realm? [5]

Section 4: Where you come from

1. Is your character...
   1.1. A student at Domino High? [1]
      1.1.1. Is s/he new to the school? [2]
      1.1.2. Does s/he immediately catch the attention of the main characters? [3]
   1.2. An employee at KaibaCorp? [2]
      1.2.1. A programmer or hacker whose work impresses even Kaiba? [3]
      1.2.2. Kaiba's secretary? [4] Does that job somehow also entail taking care of Mokuba? [5]
   1.3. The owner of a multibillion dollar company whose profits rival KaibaCorp's? [2]
   1.4. Working at the museum? [2]
   1.5. A duellist? [1]
      1.5.1. Professionally? [2]
      1.5.2. For fun? [0] Naturally talented, and wins duels against professional-calibre champions? [4]
2. Was your character...
   2.1. Abandoned as a baby/young child? [1]
      2.1.1. Raised by your favorite character? [2]
      2.1.2. Who taught them everything that they knew? [2]
      2.1.3. Until the character surpassed them? [3]
   2.2. Orphaned? [2]
      2.2.1. In a car crash? [3]
   2.3. Raised on the streets? [1]
   2.4. Abused by his/her parents? [1]
      2.4.1. Specifically his/her father? [2] Which causes Jounouchi to rush to the rescue? [3] Which causes Kaiba to rush to the rescue? [5]
   2.5. Raped? [2]
   2.6. The child of a divorce? [1]
   2.7. All of the above? [5]
      2.7.1. Does this make even characters like Kaiba and Rishid feel sorry for him/her? [10]
3. Does your character...
   3.1. Have a younger sibling? [1]
      3.1.1. Who looks up to them? [1]
      3.1.2. Who is dead? [2]
      3.1.3. Who is estranged? [2]

Section 5: Anything you can do, I can do better

1. Did your character discover any Egyptian artifact of relevance to the series? [2]
   1.1. Did they go in search of a member of the cast because of this? [3]
2. Does your character own a Millennium Item? [2]
   2.1. Does it contain a Yami? [3]
      2.1.1. Is it a friendly, caring one? [1]
      2.1.2. Is it a mean, abusive one? [1]
      2.1.3. Can it kick all the other yamis' butts from here to Egypt? [4]
   2.2. Is it not originally theirs? [3]
      2.2.1. Is it the Puzzle? [5]
      2.2.2. Ring? [4]
      2.2.3. Rod? [4]
      2.2.4. Eye? [3]
      2.2.5. Scales? [4]
      2.2.6. Ankh? [4]
      2.2.7. Torque? [3]
      2.2.9  Was it given to your character by the original owner? [4] Because your character is actually the true owner? [5] Because of something that will come up later in the plot? [5]
   2.3. Does your character possess an eighth Millennium Item or similar source of magic? [5]
      2.3.1. Did s/he create it him/herself? [4]
      2.3.2. Is it utterly ridiculous? [bowtie, swizzle stick, etc] [4]
      2.3.3. Is it something that pertains to ancient Egypt? [3]
      2.3.4. Is it more powerful than the Puzzle? [5]
      2.3.5. Does it have more capabilities than the Ring? [5]
      2.3.6. Is it an ancient version of a Swiss Army knife? [3]
      2.3.7. Can it simulate the powers of another Item? [3] Can it manipulate the other Items? [4]
      2.3.8. Will its existence be a plot point in the fic? [5]
3. Does your character have access to the Shadow Realm? [2]
   3.1. Without a Millennium Item? [3]
   3.2. Can they hold their own there? [2]
      3.2.1. Can they last longer than Yuugi? [2]
      3.2.2. Yami no Yuugi? [3]
      3.2.3. Yami no Bakura? [3]
      3.2.4. Yami no Bakura [5]
   3.3. Can they use their opponent's monsters against them without the use of a card such as Change of Heart or Brain Control? [3]
4. Does your character somehow find a way to make monsters outside of the Shadow Realm real? [4]
   4.1. And subsequently use this ability to get into a relationship with the Dark Magician? [5]
   4.2. Magician of Black Chaos? [5]
   4.3. Dark Magician Girl? [3]
   4.4. Kuriboh? (If so, put your test down and go.)
5. Is your character a better duelist than...
   5.1. Yami no Yuugi? [5]
   5.2. Kaiba? [5]
   5.3. Pegasus? [5]
   5.4. Yami no Malik? [5]
6. Does your character have a powerful dueling deck filled with rare cards? [1]
   6.1. Are they cards that are owned by cast members? [2]
      6.1.1. Blue Eyes White Dragon? [5]
      6.1.2. Black Magician/Black Magician Girl? [5]
      6.1.3. Red Eyes Black Dragon? [5]
      6.1.4. Toon World? [5]
      6.1.5. Did your character get the cards from a cast member? [5]
   6.2. More powerful/rare than Yuugi's? [4]
      6.2.1. Than Kaiba's? [4]
      6.2.2. Than Pegasus'? [5]
   6.3. Does your character own God Cards at any point in time? [3]
      6.3.1. As won from Malik? [4]
      6.3.2. From Kaiba? [3]
      6.3.3. From Yuugi? [5]
      6.3.4. From a mysterious stranger? [5]
      6.3.5. A fourth god card? [5]
   6.4. Does your character's deck have cards you completely made up? [2]
   6.5. Is the character's deck your own? [3]
   6.6. Does your character always win? [5]

Section 6: Walk like an Egyptian

1. Did the character live in Ancient Egypt? [2]
   1.1. Was his/her Yami in ancient Egypt? [3]
      1.1.1. If so, was s/he cursed somehow? [4]
2. Did the character have any relationship with an existing character in Ancient Egypt? [3]
   2.1. Did s/he somehow gain the attention of a character through his/her beauty, sweetness, duelling skills, or overall coolness? [3]
3. Does s/he retain her memories of ancient Egypt? [2]
   3.1. Does s/he have a part in the Pharaoh’s memories? [4]
4. Does s/he know stuff about the past? [1]
   4.1. Stuff Malik and Isis don’t know? [2]
   4.2. Stuff the Yamis don’t know? [2]
   4.3. Stuff Shadi doesn’t know? [4]
   4.4. Something that is already known but the cast has wrong? [like the existence of another Item.] [5]
5. Was s/he a slave in Ancient Egypt? [1]
   5.1. A pleasure slave? [1]
   5.2. Was s/he a peasant? [1]
   5.3. Was s/he a tomb robber? [3]
6. Does s/he have an especially powerful Kaa dwelling within them? [2]
   6.1. More powerful than the Blue Eyes White Dragon? [4]
7. Does s/he speak Ancient Egyptian? [1]
   7.1. To Malik/Isis? [2]
   7.2. To Yami Bakura? [2]
   7.3. To Yami no Yuugi? [2]
      7.3.1. Does Yami no Yuugi regains his some of memories after hearing your character talk? [5]

Section 7: It's all relative

1. Do canon characters trust your character immediately? [1]
   1.1. Does Malik? [2]
   1.2. Does Yami no Malik? [3]
   1.3. Does Mokuba trust your character as much as he does Kaiba? [4]
   1.4. Does Shizuka trust your character as much as she does Jounouchi? [2]
   1.5. Does the cast think of your characters as an "old friend?" [2]
      1.5.1. Does your character seem "oddly familiar" to anyone? [3]
      1.5.2. Is your character the child of any cast member? [5]
2. Does Kaiba insult him/her even MORE than Jounouchi? [2]
    2.1. Does Jounouchi fall for him/her because of this? [3]
3. Does this character have any "unfinished business" with any of the canon cast? [1]
   3.1. Because they were raped? [4]
4. Is your character a long-lost sibling, lover, or friend of a character? [2]
    4.1. of Isis/Malik? [3]
    4.2. of Pegasus? [2]
    4.3. of Kaiba? [4]
    4.4. of Bakura? [3]
    4.5. all of the above? [5]
5. Does your character's appearance cause the cast to forget what they were going to do in favor of being around your character? [1]
    5.1. A gathering with their friends? [1]
    5.2. A duel? [2]
    5.3. Stopping a villain from destroying all of Domino or similar? [3]
    5.4. Does the cast not seem to care when reminded? [5]
6. Does your character sit right next to any of the Yuugiou cast? [1]
    6.1. Right in the middle of the group of them? [2]
7. Is your character fighting for a previously defeated or redeemed villain's honour? [2]
    7.1. Because the villain is your favorite character? [4]
8. Is the other half of any one character suddenly and miraculously attracted to your character...
   8.1. Because they find her oddly familiar? [1]
   8.2. Because they recognize her immediately as being their long lost past love? [2]
   8.3. Because of her eerie powers? [2]
   8.4. Because they recognize her as the 'true' owner of the Millennium Item they are in possession of? [5]
      8.4.1. Is it Yami no Bakura? [7]
      8.4.2. Is it Yami no Yuugi? [8]
   8.5. Because they have located a more powerful brand of hair gel? [-3]
      (If that's the answer I actually
want to read this fic.)

Section 8: Twoo Wuv

1. Does every character have a crush on your character? [1]
   1.1. Does your favorite character? [2]
   1.2. Does your least favorite character? [3]
      1.2.1. So your character has the fun of turning him/her down? [5]
   1.3. Do more than one character argue for your character's attentions? [2]
      1.3.1. Is it any Yami/Omote pair? [3]
      1.3.2. Is it Kaiba and Yuugi? [3]
      1.3.3. Is it Jounouchi and Yuugi? [3]
      If it is, put down your pen now and turn in your test. Unless... Your character is really in love with Insector Haga. You are now free to go write.
2. Does the character 'convert' an evil character to the side of good via the power of love? [2]
   2.1. Pegasus? [2]
   2.2. Yami Bakura? [3]
   2.3. Yami no Malik? [5]
   2.4. Does the character then convert back to evildom after your character's death? [5]
3. Does your character eventually end up having sex with Yuugi? [1]
   3.1. Yami no Yuugi? [1]
   3.2. Bakura? [2]
   3.3. Yami no Bakura? [3]
   3.4. Honda? [1]
   3.5. Jounouchi? [1]
   3.6. Kaiba? [4]
   3.7. Malik? [3]
   3.8. Yami no Malik? [5]
   3.9. Pegasus? [4]
   3.10. Shadi? [5]
   3.11. Otogi? [1]
   3.12. Grandpa? [if you answered yes to this, you auto-score zero and you're free to go write.]
   3.13. All of them? [10]
   3.14. Is the sex loving and tender? [5]
4. Does your character deny the romantic attentions of their love interest, saying that it's "wrong" or they "shouldn't be doing this?" [2]
   4.1. Do they do it anyway? [3]
   4.2. Does your character plays matchmaker with any two characters? [2]
      4.1.1. With two male characters? [1] Who don’t get along or interact much in the series? [2]
      4.2.2. With two female characters? [3]
      4.2.3. With one male and one female character? [4]
      4.2.4. With another original character? [4]
5. Does your character divert the attentions of Honda and Otogi away from Shizuka and onto him/herself? [2]
6. If your character is paired with Malik:
   6.1. Have Isis and Rishid just wandered off somewhere for no reason? [2]
   6.2. Is Yami no Malik tormenting is poor, defenseless omote? [1]
   6.3. Is your character a Rare Hunter? [2]
      6.3.1. the only female Rare Hunter? [3]
   6.4. Does s/he become a favorite mind-control slave for Malik? [2]
      6.4.1. One that he decides to become sexually involved with? [2]
      6.4.2. Romantically involved with? [3]
      6.4.2. Because he's too shy to tell her to her face? [4]
7. If your character is paired with Kaiba:
   7.1. Is your character Kaiba's secretary? [3]
   7.2. Does your character automatically address him as Seto? [4]
   7.3. Are you two old friends from orphanage days? [2]
   7.4. Was your character paired with Priest Seto in Egypt? [3]
   7.5. Does your character save Mokuba from certain doom, thus gaining the everlasting respect and gratitude of Kaiba? [4]
8. If your character is paired with Jounouchi:
   8.1. Is Shizuka nonexistent or dead? [2]
   8.2. Is Mai nonexistent or dead? [2]
   8.3. Do your character and Jounouchi bond because they both have horribly abusive fathers? [2]
   8.4. Is Jounouchi just called 'Jou'? Or is Jou his first name? [4]
   8.5. Has Jounouchi drifted away from Yuugi and friends? [3]
      8.5.1. Has Honda disappeared off the best-friend radar? [4]
9. If your character is paired with Yami no Yuugi:
   9.1. Does Yami no Yuugi have his own body? [1]
   9.2. Does he have his memories? [3]
   9.3. Does your character save him from Anzu? [10]

Section 9: The Nefarious Plot

1. Do you introduce the character on the first page of the story? [1]
   1.1. In the first sentence? [3]
   1.2. Does your character meet the main cast in the first page? [2]
2. Do you tell the story from the character's point of view? [2]
3. Does the character have some sort of prophecy surrounding him/her? [2]
   3.1. Is it rooted in Ancient Egypt? [3]
   3.2. Does it require that s/he die in order for the Pharaoh's Memory to be restored? [3]
      3.2.1. Does everyone cry at the death? [2]
      3.2.2. Does your character get magically revived? [3] Because of a clause in their chosen partner's Millennium Item? [3] Because of their own Millennium Item? [5]
   3.3. Is your character married to a cast member at any point? [5]
4. Does your character die/die and come back for any other reason? [3]
5. Does your character use excessive otaku-Japanese? [4]
6. Does your character bring a dead character back to life? [2]
   6.1. Does your character replace a dead character? [3]
7. Does the character consider suicide because of the events of the fic? [1]
   7.1. Is s/he stopped by someone? [2]
      7.1.1. Your favorite character? [3]
8. Do you plan to write more stories revolving around this character? [5]

Section 10: "I'm my own best friend."

1. Would you like to be friends with the character if you met in real life? [2]
   1.1. Do you think everyone who reads the story should automatically like and want to be friends with the character? [2]
      1.1.1. If someone tells you he/she doesn't like your character, do you take it as a personal attack on you? [4]
      1.1.2. If someone calls your character a Mary Sue, do you immediately assume they're jealous of you? [4]
2. Do you ever pretend, just to yourself, that you are the character, with the same strengths and abilities? [5]


There are a total of 895 points, but I think it's impossible to get them all.  The more points you have, the higher the chance that your character is a Mary Sue.  A few points are fine, even non Mary Sues can have bad backgrounds or similar.

Now What?

Have you failed the test horribly?  It happens.  What counts is what you do with the knowledge.  Creating a Mary Sue isn't the end of the world.  Everyone starts out writing something like a Mary Sue.  After all, what's more natural than creating a wonderful character who can go and do all the things you want to do and interact with the characters that you love?  And if that's all you want to do with the character - if the only reason you're writing your fic is for your own pleasure or the amusement of your friends - that's fine!  Writing a Mary Sue for fun isn't wrong.

If you really want to write a "quality" fic, or want to move beyond Mary Sues and improve your writing, there are many things you can do.  The first would be to find a beta reader to look at your writing and help you figure out if you're writing the characters in character, if your plots are too contrived, or if your original character is taking up too much screen time.  There are many places that you can find beta readers.  The Millennium Library has beta services, as do many other writing sites or Yuugiou forums.

Another thing to think about is what your fic is about.  Is it a Yuugiou fic about the Yuugiou characters?  Or is it about the adventures of Mary Sue with the characters of Yuugiou tagging along for the ride?  If it's the second, you might want to rework the story.  People read fanfiction to read about their favorite characters.  If you find that you have too much of a focus on your original character there are a few questions to keep in mind:  How important is the original character to the plot?  Can the story be told using only canon characters?  Some of the most interesting plots you can think of can be rewritten so that they center around the main cast.

Even if you absolutely want to keep your character, there are still many things you can do to keep from creating a Mary Sue.  Work on background and personality.  Include real weaknesses [not being able to sing is not a real weakness].  Make sure strengths and weaknesses are balanced.  Make sure that when you write, your character doesn't overshadow the canon cast and stays true to the personality you've created rather than changing to fit the surroundings.

Above all, keep writing!  Don't get discouraged just because this particular
character is a Mary Sue.  Next time you write a character you'll know what to keep in mind and will do things differently.  Becoming a good writer takes time and patience.  Listen to what others say about your writing if they try to give you constructive criticism.  And again, just keep writing.  Someday you'll look back at this story and wonder how you could have written it.

Good luck!


Mary Sue Links
The Original Mary Sue Litmus Test - The original, written by Melissa "Merlin Missy" Wilson.
Dr. Merlin's Guide to Fanfic - Also written by the above, a guide to important writing points.
150 Years of Mary Sue - An essay on the history of Mary Sue, written by Pat Pflieger.
Self-Insertion and Mary-Sue-ism - A essay on how to insert yourself into a story without creating a Mary Sue.
The Official Mary Sue Society Avatar Appreciation Site - A site dedicated to the principle that it's OK to have a Mary Sue! Look at their links page for many more Mary Sue links

Other Mary Sue Litmus Tests
Lord of the Rings - by Gil Shalos
Digimon - by Strange Music
Harry Potter - by Priscilla Spencer
Labyrinth - by Alexa Close

Yuugiou Links
Kokoro no Naka - Maintained by Fran, this site has the most Yuugiou images out there, especially of minor characters.  It also has information, quizzes and a forum.
Kyokou Geemu - Maintained by Ice Blue X, this site is a fanworks site that provides assistance for authors.  It also has articles with helpful information and a forum.
The Millennium Library - Maintained by Kiwi Wolf, the goal of this site is to provide the best Yuugiou fanfiction on the web.  Beta services and a forum are provided.
False Memories - A good all around site with character descriptions, episode summaries, manga summaries, and even information on the card game.
Yuugiou Network - Another all around site with information on the both anime series and the manga.
Nameless Pharaoh's Tomb - A site focussing mostly on the manga.

Yuugiou © Takahashi Kazuki and TV Tokyo.  I do not own the characters or scenarios, nor do I make any money off of them.  The idea was taken from Melissa "Merlin Missy" Wilson.  The original Mary Sue Litmus Test can be found here.  Questions on this test were compiled by the Kyokou Geemu forum and put together by Juchan.